Having a job, I basically have the items that I want which is very amazing. However, being human, there is always something else, something better, that I want. Here's the top five:
1. iPhone
I had one up until early this year, when it was tragically lost on the very day I went to see The Hunger Games at the movies with a friend. I believe that when I got out of the car (dad drove up and I just jumped out of the car before he continued on his way; the usual way of dropping me off anywhere), I knocked it out of the car without realising. Being the dodgy bit of the plaza we were in, we imagine that someone walked over, saw the "score, free iPhone!" and ran off with it. Ever since, I've harboured awful feelings about it- it was tragic, and I had to tell my mum!- and I think (after months of grieving and getting fed up with the downgrade to a keypad) that it may be time to move on and get a new one. Not brand new, but something fairly new off eBay. That works for me.
2. Shaun and Bradie Merch Pack

For ages and ages, I have wanted Short Stack merch. Given that the guys have broken up, it is a given that they will not create any more merch. And coming to this revelation, I have realised, that I need to get a wriggle on should I wish to make my dreams come true. So I trawled through their merch site and found what my very heart desires- this:
3. Nail Art Pens
Being the girly girl that I am, I like doing my nails. I currently have an endless supply of nail polish in every colour imaginable. Pinks, reds, blues, silver and gold; metallic, block colour, glitter and neon. Even glow in the dark! However, the one thing that I don't have is nail art supplies. It's basically more nail polish but it has a thinner brush, perfect for minute detail. You can even get ones that are in an actual pen with the little brush which have a constant flow of nail polish- like my favourite eyeliner! You can do things like stripes, dots, and fiddly little patterns. I have managed to master a French manicure, therefore I feel I am ready for the itty bitty pictures, like Rubix cubes and popcorn.
4. Thomas Sabo Bracelet
When I went on a holiday with the family, I walked past a shop, walked back several steps and resisted the temptation to press my face against the glass of the window. I'd seen something beautiful. It was a pearl bracelet with a red love heart charm and a silver heart charm with the words "kiss me" engraved on it. Pearls hadn't really been my thing before then, and I would never have dreamed of the combination. But it was beautiful, and I loved it immediately.

5. A Car
I'm not really concerned about makes and models- not at all. I couldn't care less whether it's a Hyundai or a Mazda- I just want a car that runs. However, as much as I want one to learn on, I know that I need to be able to run it- pay for petrol, rego, insurance and, of course, the car itself. So long as it isn't so unsafe that will concertina if it hits something, won't break down in the middle of the road and isn't overly expensive, it works for me.
Sayonara, fellow ninjas!! xoxo
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