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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thinking Onto Paper: The Justin Bieber Debate

Everyone and anyone it seems knows who Justin Bieber is, and has heard the song 'Baby' at some point in time. And everyone has one of two opinions on him- they either love or hate him. There's not really any neutral position on him anymore, seeing as he's become very well known.

This is a typical conversation with me and anyone I've ever spoken to:

Me: Soo, what kind of music do you like?
Person: Oh, I like.................................................
Me (If I like them): Oh my gosh; I love their music!! What's your favourite song?? *goes all fangirl on them*
Me (If I don't like them): Oh, ok; I'm not really a big fan. Do you like.....
Person: *responds in some way*
Me: So, what's your stance on Justin Bieber?
Person: *gives their answer*

 Known them for ages or a second; face to face or on Facebook, it doesn't matter- I will always ask what music they're into if I'm nervous, getting to know them or can't think of what to say but don't want the conversation to die. And whenever I ask about music, I ask about Justin Bieber. I honestly don't know why I do that. I guess I just like to get people talking and sharing their opinions, and I just like to listen and then chip in with a spiel of my own.

Whoever I happen to be talking to will answer in one of three ways:

First up, we have the response of the typical fan girl; the Justin Bieber lover: OMG!! I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER; HE'S SO HOTT!! I WANT TO GO TO HIS CONCERT!! I HAVE ALL HIS SONGS!! AND HIS HAIR...*fangirling continues*. And I say fangirl because, to this day, I don't know a single guy who likes Justin Bieber. If you're one of them, let me know!

Then, there's the fence sitters- sort of. They generally don't like Justin Bieber, but they're not die hard haters- I have named them the 'meh-ers': Yeah, some of his songs are ok, but I think he's a *insert inappropriate noun here*.

And last, but not at all least (there's more of them that I know than any other group)- the die hard haters. Nothing good to say about him except that he's alive... until murder is legalised, anyway: OMG, THERE IS NO *BEEP* WAY I'M EVER LISTENING TO JUSTIN BIEBER; MY EARS CANNOT REGISTER A SOUND OF THAT FREQUENCY!! HE'S AWFUL!! I CAN'T BELIEVE ANYONE WOULD LISTEN TO THAT VOLUNTARILY!!

And of course, that's not all of it; that's just their opinion on the music... just wait until they get started on him:


I guess my point is that everyone has an opinion on him, as they do many other things. Most other things, in fact. For example, I heard Lemur and Blondie arguing over whether netball is a sport (Blondie) or an activity (Lemur). They couldn't agree (at all) so they decided to survey everyone in their homeroom. If anyone would like to shed some light on that for their sake- and the sake of my *already low level of* sanity!!- you can vote on the new poll I've added.

MY OPINION ON JUSTIN BIEBER: I'm in between hater and fence sitter, really. I mean, I don't see what's so special about a singing sixteen year old. Good looking? Yeah, well so is Gerard Way but no one makes that big a deal out of him!! He's no more talented than Jesse McCartney, Aaron Carter (ok, well maybe!!) or Nikki Webster were in their time, and they didn't last forever!! Some of his songs- I said some!- are ok, but I wouldn't go buy his albums. That would require listening to him sing them, and I'm not a fan- at all. I'm not like the insane hater that threw a waterbottle at him during a show though. My thought on that is: If you hate him that much, then why go to his concert? That's a lot of money that you'll never get back for going somewhere you never wanted to be!

If you are a passionate lover/hater/meh-er of Justin Bieber, feel free to share your opinion!

Sayonara, fellow ninjas! xoxo


  1. Hey,
    Yeah im more the same view as you o Justin Beiber!
    For the netball arguement...
    It is played by both sexes( if your friends argue with that tell them to look it up and rub it in their faces. Because men do play Netball as well as woman!
    It is also played in the olypics!
    So yeah netball is DEFINITELY a sport it is a know FACT!!! :)

  2. Thanks for your opinion!! And yeah I know a couple of guys who played netball on our team just for fun- they started out as our cheerleaders then they started playing; it was good fun!!

  3. Ninja!!

    What I think about Justin Bieber is simple logic that goes like this: Justin Bieber sings bubble-gum pop; all male bubble-gum pop singers are sissies; therefore, I can conclude that Justin Bieber is a sissy.

  4. That is a very logical explanation! I commend you on your smarts!!

  5. OMG netbal is definitely a sport Wat is this haha LOL

  6. Hmm, well what is this spelling miss lil' sister?? Haha
