There are a number of things that irritate me about humanity in general. However, I have so discerningly selected the five utmost terrible ones for your own enjoyment.
1. People telling me what to do. As a number of my friends have discovered, I am very much my own person and do not, as a general rule, succumb to peer pressure. I do not mind sitting alone in a public space and writing my little heart out, as I am doing now, or choosing not to get wasted at such-and-such's party on the weekend. Because I most likely wasn't invited in the first place, not that I could care less. If someone tries to force me to do something I do not wish to do on my own terms, there is bound to be a problem. Like a time with a dear friend of mine. I was curious about someone, and this dear girl tried to make me get a phone number. And I don't mean the friendly encouragement- that's fine, if it helps you to be a better person. For example if someone's telling you that you should stop being such a horrible person to those close to you. I mean, it was the loud, if-you-don't-do-it-then-I-will-for-you-like-it-or-not. And so I yelled, and she realised the hard way that I did not wish to make any kind of move before I was good and ready, perhaps never. So, if you want to make me very angry, do that.
2. People who cannot spell to save their lives. There is a time and place for text slang. Well, in my opinion, there is none at all. I do not use it, nor can I understand it when other people use it. I am well aware that this is just one of my oddities; one of the things that makes me somewhat of an outcast among 90% of my peers. The other 10% are those who understand the basic conventions of the English language and do not tYpe LyK DI$ all the dang time. Honestly people, if you live in Australia, generally, you would speak English fluently. You should understand that a dollar sign does not substitute for an 'S' in a spelling test, and that your teachers would downgrade your work if you were to randomly place capital letters throughout a sentence. It's all over Wattpad too. Accidentally entering a piece of fan fiction and reading on in horror through the trainwreck story- a plot line which ends after two chapters, afterward ending in waffle. Incorrect spelling and don't even get me started on the grammar. Simple sentence structure is in no way rocket science. CONTINUE LEARNING ENGLISH IF IT IS YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE SO THAT PEOPLE LIKE ME DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEMPT TO INTERPRET YOUR WORTHLESS DRIVEL.
3. The charming quality of not knowing when to just shut up. I am aware that I have possessed this serious, life-threatening condition at certain points during the past fifteen years of my life- often more recently than I would like to admit- and I would like to take this moment to formally, publicly and genuinely apologise for my inconsiderate ramblings that you really just did not care about. I have dealt with this lately and OHMYGOD if it were perfectly legal, right and just to kill people, there would be a lot less people in the world. If you cannot take a hint that someone is becoming severely angered, hurt, upset and/or just generally has a murderous glint in their eyes while you are saying something that is highly unnecessary- you are showing symptoms of first degree stupidity which could be potentially life threatening. Therefore, it is best for you to just shut up and never speak again unless you can learn this delicate art of reading basic body language. Unless you wish to be smacked in the face by a shovel or stabbed by a fork. In that case, go ahead.
4. People who do not pull their weight in a team. Admit it, as soon as you read that, you thought of a certain person who you wish to endure the same pain and torture you went through in carrying their lazy selves through a laborious task, such as a school assignment. This is the very reason why I utterly loathe and detest sport- most of that is in a team- and why I moan and groan and barely resist the urge to cry when I hear a teacher say the dreaded words: "you will be working in pairs/groups for this assignment." I am aware that to a certain degree this is merely my loner-by-nature attitude shining through. I know that most people, when they hear that sentence, cheer and pair up with their best buddy. I, however, as I am sure many other people also have, have encountered many lazy individuals who either do not understand or just could not be bothered doing any work. Because in being forced to engage in a group activity- which is difficult for me anyway, as I feel very out of place when groups are being chosen and I am usually the last selected- I often end up having to carry the work load as the other person/people's pack mule. No. No no no. This is wrong on so many levels. Just because I am a "nerd" as labelled by many people I have had the displeasure of encountering in my life, does not simply give you the ability to take advantage of my academic determination and coast through on marks I have earned. And so it is for this reason that whenever my marks suffer do to the efforts (or lack thereof, I will correctly say) of a such a person, I have no problem complaining to a teacher about them in order to save myself. Perhaps this is another reason that I am not so desirable as a group member.
5. People who think they are superior to every other human being on the planet. I do realise that the entirety of this post was dedicated to whinging about the lack of brain activity in some people I know, however I will be the first to admit that I am flawed also. I am messy and judgmental and tend to speak before I think, often hurting someone else's ego in the process. Or break their hearts. So yes, I am flawed. I may whinge and whine about people a hell of a lot, but I know that at the end of the day, they're still people just like me. Well, no one's quite like me; that would probably be an insult to a number of people; but we're the same species. No one is so entirely beneath you that they're not worthy of a chance to prove themselves. Just because someone's unique and happy with who they are does not mean that they're damaged, stupid or that they will never find love. You may be thinking that that's ridiculous and common sense, but I've had those exact terms directed at me many times in my short life thus far, and I know that no one deserves outright disrespect from anyone. I'm not saying you have to all hold hands and join in a great big circle of love with everyone you see. I'm not even saying you have to like everyone. Feel free to hate someone if you so wish. But don't set out to intentionally hurt anyone or ruin their lives. Because that makes you a hell of a lot worse than you think they are.
I'm gone. Goodbye!
Sayonara, fellow ninjas!! xoxo
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