First day back at school. I think we were all a bit tired. I know I was (anything that's not double-digit-am is considered early to me). But our sarcasm (mostly mine, I admit) made for a good discussion about how 'rebel' Smiley is.
Smiley is not rebel at all. Honestly, she is the last person you'd ever expect to break a rule. I think I've only been surprised once or twice- however, she claims, those times were accidental. This discussion about Smiley's rebel-ness is the inspiration for this list- You Know You're Rebel When:
- You swear- but only mild words and in code, of course. I swear, Smiley would be the only person who bothers to make up another language. Most people at our school either swear or don't.
- You share your enthusiasm towards pinecones with the younger students- who use them as weapons. Apparently the deputy principal got involved. Oops.
- You wear pink every day. No matter what. The most rebellious action of them all. If you wear pink and almost no other colour, you're a rebel of the highest level.
- You defend your pink wearing habits- and immediately admit you lied. Lemur: 'Wearing pink on days you should never wear pink. Rebel!' Smiley: 'I don't actually wear that much pink anymore.' Me: 'What?! No pink?! You kidding me?!?!' Smiley: 'Yes :).' Lemur: 'How about lying about not wearing pink?' That conversation really did take place, ladies and gentlemen.
- You say bad things about Justin Bieber- though never anyone else. And even Justin Bieber gets let off easy here. That's rebellious, dude.
- Your Christmas costume, while almost everyone else is wearing some slogan top, is an angel costume. The only non-rebel part of this would be when everyone rips the stars off the tinsel wings (or picks them up off the floor) and do highly questionable things with them. Yes, you know who you are.
Smiley, you are an absolute legend and an inspiration to me to become a 'rebel.' And to write about it. Even though I'm extremely tired while writing it and it may make little or no sense to you. So I'm going to go to bed.
Sayonara, fellow ninjas! xoxo
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