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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Awesomest Stuff In The World Right Now!

I haven't posted in about a week- sorry, guys! But I haven't completely slacked off; I've been looking up the hottest new stuff on the block. This time, it's a mixture of all the world's coolest stuff.

Trading Yesterday- So I was excited to go on exchange to New Zealand, but even more so (if that was possible!) when I found out my exchange sister had such good taste in music! I listened to some of the songs by bands she likes and they are awesome! This band is downright awesome. They only have one song on iTunes, which is the legendary One Day. But I did my research- they have a lot more songs that you can hear on YouTube. Here's their song Love Song Requiem, which is amazing: 

Anyway, you should look up more of their songs, which you will find on their MySpace page here.

A Rocket to the Moon- Fans of Never Shout Never, look no further than A Rocket to the Moon! This is another band I heard about from my sister-to-be. Their album On Your Side is features twelve awesome tracks that you will love. Every single song. I honestly can't single out any two or five out of all of them; it's too hard. It's usually not that difficult to find a stand-out song, but these guys are too good. Look them up; you won't regret it. Promise. 

Charlie McDonnell- Best thing to come out of YouTube since thecomputernerd01 and SecretAgentBob, honestly. Random? Check. Entertaining? Check. Good-looking? Check, check, check!! (Sorry to any guys who are reading this). I first found out about the goodness that is him on the lovely Sarah's blog, Alone On Cloud Nine. You should definitely have a look at this one, because not only does she have wonderful taste in YouTube videos, she voted Ninja (In Training) the most colourful blog of the week! Here's a video by the talented Charlie McDonnell:

Vanilla Malt Milkshakes- Maybe not the most relevant thing to feature on an entertainment blog, but these are heavenly. I haven't had a chocolate milkshake once since trying one. I usually get one whenever I go to Donut King or out for breakfast (unless wherever I go with my family is selling white hot chocolate. That is even better than regular hot chocolate, I swear).

Velociraptors- This is relevant to entertainment, really. I bet I'm not the only one who gets incredibly bored on a regular basis. Actually, I know for a fact I'm not the only one, because my neighbour showed me this lovely art. Whenever you get bored, this is the perfect way to pass time- be a velociraptor! For anyone like my sister who hasn't heard of them before and thinks I made them up: they're real (or were, seeing as dinosaurs are actually extinct nowadays). That is how I spend my time- being my sister's pet velociraptor, or getting funny looks in the school courtyard because of my raptor-like habits.

Anyway, I should probably be off. I had a big night out last night with my best friends, plus I've got a bit of boy drama at the moment! Whoever has any kind of expertise in that field- please email me here!

Sayonara, fellow ninjas! xoxo

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